The snow conditions are terrible, so let's talk about what will happen after the snow melts.
Many have asked for a toy hauler rental, but unfortunately we haven't been able to deliver because any toy hauler that can haul a 4 seat side x side weighs more than a couple elephants. However, we didn't stop listening (because we love you too!) and are currently converting a beautiful 8.5' x 20' cargo trailer into a toy hauler capable of towing a 4 seat side x side and a dirt bike or two all while having these features:
Only 3,700 lbs, spread, torsion axles (tows like a dream, even in 60+ mph wind through Wyoming, we know because we did it).
Fully insulated
A/C and Heater
Stove top
Water pump with sink and hot water heater
Toilet and shower (these will be a bit different so stay tuned through the build)
Two bunk beds that make down into a sofa
Cabinets for storage
30 amp electrical service
Follow us on Instagram and Facebook (@easycamperrental) for the build process.
We are very excited as this will be awesome and you're going to love it!
ALSO, to sweeten this s'more, think of what dates you want to go camping this spring as there will be a little surprise coming Sunday.